Top 10 Players - Level

Here are the top players in the game based on Level!

Rank Player Name Guild Name Level Grinding Points Kills Deaths Str Agi Vit Spi Reborns Online Time Silvers CurHP (Health)
1 RoryMercury SoulGate 137 6,224 8 0 200 100 101 0 2 10,041 102,002,698 8,718
2 FinLing WanteD 137 36 1 6 0 400 1 0 2 19 119,697,197 5,541
3 NamI KiLLeR 137 24 7 1 185 500 450 0 2 1,025 47,862,929 18,597
4 WawaTest None 130 52 0 0 74 256 37 0 0 0 902,286 2,388
5 faded55 None 130 0 0 6 74 256 37 0 1 0 2,240 4,092
6 Cloud FAKETAXI 130 641 6 2 74 256 37 0 0 18 218,170 3,832
7 Seang None 130 0 0 0 185 72 110 0 0 0 97,003,668 3,411
8 DeaLock Dea†hNo†e 130 12 49 38 1 0 100 300 0 23 149,424 5,844
9 Stacy Faded 130 1,272 2 0 74 297 1 0 1 133 178,912 4,751
10 Gail BloodRose 130 10,000,565 0 1 9999 9999 1000 9999 2 15 44,482,040 40,054